Zur Wahl von José Manuel Barroso

José Manuel Barroso ist letzte Woche vom Europäischen Parlament neuerlich zum Präsidenten der Europäischen Konmmission gewählt worden. Eine besonders unrühmliche Rolle spielte dabei die Fraktion der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten für Europa, die noch im Juli Zweifel an Barroso geäußert hatte, letztlich aber zustimmte. Daher habe ich dem Fraktionsvorsitzenden, dem ehemaligen belgischen Ministerpräsidenten, Guy Verhofstadt, Autor eines Buches mit dem Titel "Die Vereinigten Staaten von Europa", folgenden Brief geschrieben.

Dear Mr Verhofstadt,

I am writing to you to express my deepest disappointment with the Liberal Group in the European Parlament in relation to Mr. Barroso’s reelection. However, I am not criticising Mr. Barroso from a party-political view. I blame him for his lack of true European spirit and the way he ruined the European Commission during his term of office and developed it into a servant of the Member States. Further European integration needs a strong independant Commission.

Jean Monnet once wrote:

„Ce qu’il faut chercher, c’est une fusion des intérêts des peuples européens et non pas simplement le maintien de l’équilibre de ces intérêts.“

Unfortunately, Mr. Barroso is not the man capable of achieving this high goal as he has proven in the past, when France managed to get German agreement for the Mediterranean Union for a complete u-turn on its position of certain dossiers in 2008, just to give one example. And the President of the Commission was standing on the sidelines. It is exactly this wheeling and dealing which causes the anger of many European citizens, and then they are prone to fall victim of populists.

I call on you and your party colleagues in the European Parliament to take a more European view upon the final vote of the future Commission and to ensure that it consists of men and women with a real European mindset capable of solving European problems and therefore preventing the Commission to develop into a second Council.

Margareta Stubenrauch, 25. September 2009
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